AB33PH BENCH METER Highly Reliable and User-Friendly pH Benchtop Meter for Standard Laboratory Applications
Measurement Range -5 °C – 110 °C; -2.00 – 16.00 pH; -2000.00 – +2000.00 mV
Measurement Resolution 0.1 °C; 0.01 pH; 1 mV
Display LCD with backlight & one-line dot matrix
Working Environment 5°C – 40°C, 80% RH, Non-condensing
Net Weight 1.1 lb (0.5 kg)
Dimensions 8.3 in x 2 in x 5.6 in (210 mm x 51 mm x 142 mm) (LxHxW)
Accuracy ± (Temperature) 0.5 °C
Electrode ST310 (Included)
Accuracy ±0.5 °C; ±1 mV; ±0.01 pH
Power AC Adapter (Included)